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Featured Physics Products

  • Dr. Physics Videos

    Dr. Physics Videos: Learn of the wonders of physics, with Dr. Physics! Each video covers an important topic in physics and general science. See our complete online catalog for specific titles and availability.

    Price $19.95, Stock Number: varies

  • Marble Drop Roller Coaster

    Marble Drop Roller Coaster: Nothing makes you experience the principles of force and motion like a good ride on a roller coaster. We don't ride or sell ride tickets, but your students can experience some of the fun of roller coasters by building their own with this kit.

    Price $59.95, Stock Number MDR1-001

  • Polarizing Film

    Polarizing Film: March Special! Use this pack of general-purpose linear polarizing film to teach your students the principles of polarization and light waves. Each pack contains two 100mm x 200mm sheets.

    Price $19.95, Stock Number: PF2-001

  • Laser Optics Kit

    Laser Optics Kit: This kit includes more than 50 optical parts and accessories needed to demonstrate the principles of optics. A teacher's pack and a booklet of over 100 lesson plans is included.

    Price $229.95, Stock Number: LK100-001

  • Gravity Defying Bird

    Gravity Defying Bird: This colorful bird with a 6" wing span balances upon its beak without toppling. An interesting and instructive object.

    Price $5.95, Stock Number: MIS24-056

  • Newton's Cradle

    Newton's Cradle: The classic toy for your desktop, these five steel balls are a great way to see Newton's laws of motion in action.

    Price $10.95, Stock Number: MI24-057

  • Hologram Kit

    Hologram Kit: An inexpensive approach to performing holography. This kit gives your students all they need to create their own holograms.

    Price $299.95, Stock Number: HK03-001

Comments From Our Engineering Customers

"When I said I was going to teach holography, everyone figured I had busted the budget. That was before they heard about your excellent hologram kit."

— M. Roussiani. Bismark, ND

"My second graders loved the gyroscopes! And - miracle of miracles - the gyroscopes survived the encounter."

— M. Larson. Oak Park, IL

"The laser kit was up to your usual excellent standards, and the enclosed lesson plans saved me a weekend's worth of work."

— T. Barnett. Seattle, WA